With its mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and indigenous ethnic groups, Malaysia boasts an exceptionally rich cultural heritage. Although the national identity is strongly rooted in Islam, it’s an admirably tolerant form of the Muslim faith that allows minority ways of life to thrive. In the cities, you’ll see opulently decorated Chinese temples and whitewashed Catholic churches as well as multi-coloured shrines dedicated to the Hindu god, Murugan.

TransIndus holidays in Malaysia give you an opportunity to experience this broad cultural spectrum at close quarters. Visit a typical Malay kampong (village) in the interior or an Iban longhouse deep in the rainforests of Borneo. You could spend a morning in a gleaming shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur and the afternoon touring a wooden stilt settlement on the outskirts, seeing what life is like in a typical fishing Malay community before dining on spicy crab curry at an authentic local restaurant. `

We also encourage our clients to visit arts and crafts workshops as part of their tours. Watch how traditional batik textiles, songkat brocade and rattan baskets are created in a time-honoured fashion, using techniques handed down through the centuries from mother to daughter.

Wherever your holiday takes you, our consultants will ensure you come away with a vivid impression of Malaysia’s multi-faceted cultural life.


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With the Summer almost upon us, now is the time to begin planning your next summer adventures in Asia. Our Travel Specialists are ready to take your call and discuss the adventure you have been dreaming of.

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