As the most sparsely populated province in Cambodia it is difficult not to feel relaxed and a million miles away from the stresses of modern life in Mondulkiri. To the west, visitors find rolling hills carpeted in lush forestation, which gives way to rich red soil.
Trekking through jungle and emerging at rushing torrents of waterfalls are all part of an average day in this stunning part of the world. The only town is Sen Monorom and its small undeveloped state makes it unobtrusive nestled in the hills.
The population of Mondulkiri is a fascinating mix of minority tribes, with the majority being Chunchiet, but more than ten others also represented. These people live off the land by growing rice, fruit and vegetables, as well as coffee, rubber and cashews.
Gongs and jars are the traditional items among the communities here, with some examples said to go back over a thousand years. Different gongs are used for specific occasions and it is not unusual to see these on display in houses throughout the area.