India    01.07.2023    Transindus

At TransIndus, we believe every holiday should be a perfectly balanced and restorative experience designed specifically to help you return home invigorated from a well-earned break, feeling stimulated physically, mentally and spiritually.  

No matter which of our Asian destinations you choose or the style of holiday you prefer, our knowledgeable and widely-travelled specialists will help you plan your perfect break, making sure each of the five essentials that make a great holiday is fulfilled.

Cultural Enrichment

We aim to get you close to local communities, so you can experience the rich, vibrant and diverse cultural traditions of Asia first-hand and close up. Our choice of small, boutique, locally owned hotels means you begin to experience the culture from the moment you touch down.


Immersive Nature

We ensure you get close to nature through excursions into great Wildlife Parks, a walk along an Ancient Trail, treks into hilltop villages or stays in beautiful hotels surrounded by gardens and with distant vistas.


Experience Spirituality

We encourage forays into your host communities' spiritual belief systems, which can enlighten, lift and broaden the mind and perhaps even deepen your convictions, wherever they may reside.


Great Food, Prepared to perfection

We understand that great food combined with good service is an important part of your holiday, and it influences our choice of hotels for your stay. Where possible, we aim to choose hotels and restaurants that deliver inspirational food using good local and organic produce.


A Relaxing Detox

After an absorbing tour experiencing new cultures, nature at its best and spiritual experiences to stimulate the mind, it’s time for an indulgent break to relax the mind, re-balance the body, and free the soul with a total detox away from the madding crowds! Let us help you select your perfect retreat to close your ideal holiday.
