Time zone: UTC + 4 hours

Flying Time: 10 hours

Capital: Muscat


The official currency is the Rial. Foreign currency and travellers cheques can be changed at any bank or money-changer, although the latter will usually give a better rate of exchange. 


There is no mandatory vaccination for Oman unless visiting from a Yellow Fever infected country (i.e., an African country). Vaccinations or medication is, however, advised for tetanus, hepatitis A and Typhoid. It is advisable to consult your doctor for these about 6 weeks prior to departure.

We recommend you carry with you a small supply of basic health care medication such as travel sickness tablets, anti-diarrhoea tablets, antacids for indigestion, insect repellent, sun creams and selected antibiotics after discussion with your doctor. Although most of these items are available in Oman, the security provided by brands one is used to, is reassuring.

We strongly recommend that all travellers be properly insured for the holiday. While taking insurance, please check that it includes repatriation costs. 


Oman has a hot and dry climate most of the year. Summer begins in mid April and lasts till October. Temperatures can reach high 40s. Winter temperatures are mild and pleasant, ranging between 15ºC and 23ºC.

Oman is a very traditional country and care should be taken at all times not to cause offence. Women are advised to wear long skirts or loose trousers and keep shoulders covered. Men are also advised to avoid wearing shorts, unless hiking. When visiting mosques extra care should be taken to cover up. 

Comfortable shoes are recommended, especially for any tour that involves some walking.


Though not maybe as extensive as its Middle Eastern neighbours, Oman does offer shopping opportunities. Items include ceramics, embroidery, rugs, carpets, gold and silver jewellery, woodwork and copperware.

When purchasing an expensive item, always check the level of duty payable in the UK on your import. Please remember Customs Duty and VAT is payable on all goods above the value of £340 per person, even if an item is exempt from other import duties. 


The electric voltage in Oman is 220V AC with a 50 hz cycle. Oman has both UK style and European 2 pin round plug sockets but it is advisable to carry a universal adaptor.

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